Thursday, August 12, 2010

Its amazing

It's amazing how a simple phrase can light up the world. In all its darkness, the capacity of human kindness can give hope that reaches the darkest corners. I feel my self, at times, blushing like a young girl inexperienced with the cynical world that we live in. Trying so hard to be strong enough for everyone. Holding on just a little longer for the sweetest thing to ever appear. My heart races, my breath catches, and I try to hold onto that moment for a little bit longer.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Once... and I'm starting to remember

There was a time not too long ago that I was actually pretty organized, although it didn't feel like it at the time. I had habits and routines and things that I did that made life pretty simple. A big thing I did was menu planning. I'd sit with my calendar, a pen and the week's grocery ad. I'd also have in the back of my mind a list of all the food I had in the house that needed used. And I would plot out what would be for dinner on which night. I would do this after filling in all activities into the calendar so I'd know on which days we needed a simple meal, and which days we could do a fancier meal. It all depended on timing. In this world of digital, I've started to go back to that, and again, I feel rusty, like I remember how to do this, but its been so long I don't know if I still can. But I know I can, just a little bit at a time. I'm using my google calender, that syncs with my Android. That way, I can see it no matter where I am. Just pull out the phone and there it is.

For awhile, I also made my bed as soon as I got up, or sometimes during the day. I'd also do a load of laundry every day, and while I was sorting the clothes, I would make another pile of clothes that were just too stained or torn to be worth washing. As soon as I had started a load of laundry, I would bag up the pile of clothes and put it by the door to take with me to the local thrift store. This system kept my house fairly livable.

But you know, I still hate cleaning!

Its ALIVE!!!

So, I've been dabbling with the technical arts under the wonderful apprenticeship of the greatest guy in the world. We've had some fun figuring out how to make things work and how to fix whats wrong with others. Sometimes if you have something that seems dead, its worth it to see if there are any solutions to the death. Resurrecting electronics has become quite fun. The other night we had a printer that just was not going to work, when the power button was pushed it would bring up one lonely yellow light instead of the 2-3 green ones that meant it was ready for printing. This required an unconventional method of restoring life to the poor printer. The board in the printer had a cold solder break. Solution: Bake board at 400 degrees for 5 mins, let cool, replace, test: ITS ALIVE!

Another printer that seemed to be at death's door was giving an ink system failure error. Hmm, ok.... that means its done for right? Well, lets see what google says... GOOGLE is the best! Hmm, this seems to be a common error on this printer, so there should be a solution, ok, not as unconventional as baking, but still an interesting solution, unplug the printer, press two buttons while simultaneously plugging the printer back in. This resets the printer and its good to go.

So, my advice to you, if you have a piece of electronics that seems like its dead and in no way going to be saved ever, google it, type in the search bar the model you have and the problem you are having, its a quick way to find out if there is a solution or if you are out of luck.

Good luck with all endeavors!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hmm.... something is needed... MORE PHOTOS

I think I should be adding more photos to this blog.

Well, that was fun... I got started on this post and then was taken with the evil flu. I spent the last couple of days a hostage of my bathroom. I haven't been that sick in a long time.

So anyway the reason for more photos is because I found a photobook program that will take your blog and make a book of it. Its I thought it was a neat idea.