Saturday, November 8, 2008

Growing up

My oldest child just came in here and said "Look mom!" He smiled real big and there was gap in his mouth, he held out the small white tooth that had previously resided there. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't even noticed any of his teeth being loose. I knew this day was coming but that didn't stop me from becoming slightly misty eyed.

I sometimes forget how old he is getting. My first child, growing up so quickly. He's in kindergarten now and so smart. This has reminded me though, that his firsts are becoming rare and few between. As a parent you go through all the mile markers of firsts, first tooth, first solid food, first step, first word, and on up to first day of school, and now this, first lost tooth. Somehow that makes him that much closer to growing up. I just keep thinking, now his adult teeth will be coming in.

Its a bittersweet moment for a parent. I'm so happy that he's growing up, yet I also wish he wouldn't do it so fast.

There will be more firsts. It just seems that the losing of a teeth is the beginning of a new era of firsts, the grown up one. Now we'll have first crushes, first books read, first driving experience, first dates, first kisses.

1 comment:

le35 said...

Don't forget the things that only happen once, and aren't just firsts. Like a mission and marriage (you hope.) :) It's a beautiful journey.